
I grow a range of plants both from seed and by propagation, and my focus is on plants that attract pollinators and other wildlife but also perform in a garden setting. Many of these are well known but there are some surprises, and having beehives in my garden gives me the opportunity to observe first hand which plants are most favoured by not only my own bees, but also the hoverflies, solitary bees, bumble bees, beetles and flies that form part of the insect population that require nectar and pollen.

Mixed border of grasses and perennials

Lupin metropolis
Annuals and perennials
Bumblebee enjoying Scabiosa 'Crown'
I reuse plant pots that are generously donated and only ever buy peat-free compost, supplemented with wormery compost, garden compost, sieved molehill and perlite or grit. The worm casts and garden compost enrich the mix, the topsoil provides mineral input and 'body' and the perlite increases drainage.

Seeds are sown and cuttings taken and I sell the excess on my honesty stall. As they are going to local gardens I know that they will be suited to our Sussex climate and soil type and I can offer the plants for sale at a low price.

Honesty Stall in Hellingly, East Sussex
I'm also a stockist for seedballs, fun tins containing balls made of clay, seed and chilli that can be scattered on the ground and left to germinate. 

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